The Platform

Empowers clinicians, researchers, and administrators to ask better questions, discover accurate answers, and accelerate change.

Get answers in minutes, not weeks, to questions that transform your hospital's operations, sparking deeper inquiries and insights.
Trust meaningful information that fuses data analytics with an understanding of business processes and patient care.
Act with confidence, engage stakeholders, and measure effectiveness for lasting, impactful changes.
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Built by Clinicians, Powered by AI

A clinical phenotype is an observable patient trait derived from analyzing health data like symptoms, lab results, and medication records. Extrico's unique approach combines clinical expertise with advanced analytics to create nuanced profiles. By integrating diverse data sources and accounting for missing data, we provide precise, actionable health insights. Extrico’s output is evidence based and shares definitive answers rather than probabilities.
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Extrico overcomes three barriers to effective analytics

We streamline EHR data into 20 tables across three domains, making it easy to locate and combine data points.
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We clean the data, eliminating issues like multiple identifiers for medications and lab results, solving the "dirty data problem" and ensuring interoperability.
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Our 500+ peer-reviewed phenotypes blend clinical knowledge with data, reducing the need for data analysts to have clinical expertise and for clinicians to understand databases.
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Extrico's Clinical Phenotypes

A clinical phenotype is an observable patient trait derived from analyzing health data like symptoms, lab results, and medication records. Extrico's unique approach combines clinical expertise with advanced analytics to create nuanced profiles.

By integrating diverse data sources and accounting for missing data, we provide precise, actionable health insights. Extrico’s output is evidence based and shares definitive answers rather than probabilities.
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One Solution, Endless Benefits

Once implemented, Extrico's platform is versatile and can be applied across the health system including Clinical Documentation Improvement, operational analytics, risk stratification and research facilitation.
Clinical Documentation Improvement

Clinical Documentation Improvement

Clinical Documentation Improvement
The biggest problem in healthcare today is the financial health of hospitals. The overwhelming volume of data generated by modern EHR systems hinders accurate documentation by clinicians and comprehensive coding review, ultimately impacting the financial viability of healthcare organizations.

Extrico's platform transforms raw data into actionable insights, identifying missed CCs and MCCs for each patient encounter. This empowers hospitals to accurately bill for services rendered and alleviate financial strain.
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Which CCs and MCCs are missed for each patient, and what is the overall dollar impact?


Unlike black box algorithms, know on an encounter level the clinical evidence for each missed CC and MCC.


Ensure the coding accurately reflects the complexity of the patients you care for.

Ready to transform your data

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